Thursday, May 10, 2012

Majors Project #9: Flip-book!

Important: You must see me for a demonstration, before you begin this project.  It is your responsibility to schedule an appointment with me.

There are many methods of making an animation, but the simplest method is the flip-book.  All you need to make a flip-book is a thick pad of paper and a pen.

If you do not have a thick pad of paper, you can use an old paperback book.  Ask your parents if they have one that you can draw in.  If they do not, your local Good Will is a great place to find inexpensive, used paperbacks.

Here are some things to remember when you are making your flip-book:

Before you begin drawing in your book or on your pad, do some trial runs using pads of Post-it Notes.  I have some Post-it note pads for you.  Make sure you ask me for a few if you do not have any at home.

Start your sequential drawings on the LAST page and work towards the front. It is easier to flip your book from back to front and this will ensure that your animation runs in the right direction.

Draw in the lower right-hand corner of the page.

Begin with something simple, like a bouncing ball, or a shape that gets bigger or smaller, and then, when you finish the 100-drawing sequence, you can go back and add a detail that you then add through the entire sequence.

Your flip-book animation must be at least 100-drawings long, so do not commit to a detailed drawing—you will get sick of it if you have to draw it 100 times.

You are required to show me your flip-book as it is in progress on May 25thMake sure you bring it to class on or before that date.  It does not have to be finished on May 25th, but it must be well under way.  At this point I will give you feedback and suggestions that you may incorporate into the finished product.

The finished flip-book is due on June 1st.  Late turn in will not be accepted and will result in a grade of 0.

The in-progress flip-book is worth      5 points
The finished product is worth             25 points
Total:                                                  30 points

 Here are some links to examples.  Remember, you are not required to film your flipbook, you are only required to hand it in to me.

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