Thursday, January 12, 2012

Majors Project #6

The Art History of You

Create an “historical” time line that reflects your own artistic development.  Collect as many pieces of your art from early childhood (as far back as you can go) to the present.  From this collection, select at least twelve pieces that are representative of major phases that you have gone through in your art making.  Try to have a selection of work from each year of your life.  Make sure each piece is dated (you may have to ask for your parent’s help in dating the works).

Make a folder (or box, if you have 3-D works) of these works and write at least one paragraph for each piece that describes the work and relates it to that time in your life.  Did you go through a “dinosaurs and monsters” phase?  How long did it last?  How did you learn to draw dinosaurs?  Can you see any remnants of this phase in the art you made in subsequent periods of your life?  Where do you see evidence of your skills improving?

Be sure to make it clear which piece you are writing about.  It may be helpful to label and number the artworks and to number their corresponding paragraphs.

In addition to writing at least one paragraph for each image, you will also write a 3-5 paragraph summary of the ways in which your interests in art making and your skills have developed since early childhood.  You may not have clear memories of making art when you were very young, so it may be necessary to interview your parents to see what they remember about your artistic tendencies.

Hand in your folder (or box) of artwork and writing to Miss Funo.

Please be advised:

This project must reflect at least 15 hours of work.  If your timeline seems unfinished or rushed, this will negatively impact your grade.

The due date for this project is Friday, February 17th.  Submissions made after 3:30 PM on February 17th will not be accepted and will result in a grade of 0 for this project.

Please see me if you have questions or would like to discuss your project.

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