Thursday, December 15, 2011

Majors Project #5: Research an Artist

Due on Friday, January 13th

A special note: Late turn in will not be accepted and will result in a grade of 0 for this project.  No exceptions will be made.

Research Two Artists

Create a Powerpoint presentation about two artists.  You do not have to compare or contrast them, I just want you to introduce me to two artists who are interesting to you.

This is a research project, so all information must be cited.  You are required to include a bibliography of at least SIX sources (at least three for each artist).  These sources may be print media, scholarly journals found online, or DVD interviews with the artist.  Wikipedia is not a reliable source and will not be accepted as part of your bibliography.

This presentation should include

At least 7 images of the EACH artist's work.  The images may represent a wide span of the artists' careers, or the images may focus on specific projects that the artists made.

The presentation must include the following information:

Artists' dates of birth and country of origin
Development of the artists' careers (how did they start out, and what do you think has made them famous/successful?)
What other artists influenced them?
What social or historical events occurred in their lifetimes and influenced their art?

Please note that:
Each image MUST be labeled with the title, date of production, and medium, as well as a short paragraph that discusses the image (why did you choose this image in particular...does it exemplify a certain stage in the artist's development?)

All statements about the artist should be cited and the last slide of the Powerpoint MUST be a bibliography of the sources.

Email your Powerpoint to Miss Funo NO LATER THAN MIDNIGHT ON FRIDAY JANUARY 13TH.

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